Whose Butt Is The Most Dazzling?

Whose Butt Is The Most Dazzling?

Which part of a female body is the most beautiful? Ask any of your friends about his ideal girlfriend and you will definitely hear something about big boobs and a nice butt. Famous Brazilian journalist and entrepreneur Cacau Oliver believes it is all about the bum. Thus back in 2011, he made up an idea of making girls show off their curves for reward.

miss bum bum_5

The winner of the pageant receives 50,000 reals (approx. $22,000) in endorsement deals and becomes an instant celebrity in Brazil. Men fall to her feet together with impressive contracts. Girls dream of victory so hard they sometimes act against the law. In October 2013, according to the International Business Times, models Mari Sousa, 25, and Eliana Amaral, 24, were accused of paying the equivalent of thousands of dollars in bribes to the judges of the contest.
Miss Bumbum is drowning in intrigues and scandals this is why it often takes front pages of websites and newspapers. Alongside with huge love of Brazilians to this event, there is a barrage of criticism from all over the world.

The arrangers are blamed for sexism and neglect. In June 2013, Daisy Donovan, an English journalist working for Channel 4 claimed that popular television shows in Brazil, including Miss Bumbum, objectify and degrade women. She called the show “a spectacular feast of the flesh” and said she felt awkward watching the final, adding: “It’s a bit disconcerting being a woman here and not dressed in dental floss.”

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7 Indian Fitness Hotties You Will Want to Follow

7 Indian Fitness Hotties You Will Want to Follow

Today’s obsession with fitness is impressive. Toned bodies, perky butts, huge biceps are what everyone are trying to get these days. And I am not saying it’s bad. On contrary, it’s what we all should do. But while seeing a man working out at the gym is nothing special, a girl hitting the gym is what goes against all stereotypes. Yes, women have always been obsessed with their bodies. Most of them think that their looks is the only thing that matters (I disagree but that’s a whole different story). Women of all ages used to starve themselves into oblivion by trying to keep up with the latest “beauty” trends. Thankfully, it’s all in the past now. The era of fitness and healthy diet is now taking over the world.
People across the globe use Instagram and other social media to tell their weight loss stories. And India is not an exception.

A lot of Indian women are ditching low-calorie diets and hours of monotonous cardio sessions and go to that part of the gym that used to be for men only because glutes won’t grow on their own, am I right? To look toned, you need muscles. And a gym is the only place to get some. So, if you still believe that lifting weights make women look bulky, these 7 Indian fitness models and Instagrammers will prove you wrong. They completely changed the Indian fitness industry and can make anyone want to sweat their asses off at the gym.
A fitness instructor, Sumeet Sahni, is killing it on Instagram and other social media. She shares lots of training clips with the exercises she does on a regular basis. And don’t tell me that lifting weights make girls look like men!
Sapna Vyas Patel lost over 30 kg in just a year which made her one of the most popular fitness gurus in India. Her Instagram account is packed with saucy snaps.

Continue Reading here https://topbanger.com/babes/7-indian-fitness-hotties-you-will-want-to-follow/?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=TB_MGID_Inter_Desk&utm_campaign=TB_MGID_Inter_Desk&utm_term=5524972&utm_content=2313207

7 Reasons why you should walk with a Gordibuena YES or YES!

7 reasons why you should have a chubby girl

Who does not like ham, leg, and gordibuenas. Well this is how this article opens up. The Gordins have lately caught more space in the eyes of men. They dress…

Walking a gordibuena may be the greatest triumph any man can have. They are excellent for some things that are part of the greatest fantasies. That is why then 7 reasons will be given why it is much better to walk with a gordibuena.

1 - They have larger buttocks: the rumps of the Gordillo are larger than average, so it can be like a mattress and have the best experience.

2- They are more aguaditas: it can be very attractive to see how those little tires move without stopping.

3- They are crazy: they like to do crazy things on the spot. That's why a gordibuena is the best option.

4- They are more friendly: as not everything is to eat, it is also laugh. A gordibuena is more sympathetic, so you'll never stop laughing.

5- They can eat together with you.

6- They are more loving.

7- They dress very well.

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Paul Walker finge su muerte y pasaría 15 años en prisión

Paul Walker finge su muerte y pasaría 15 años en prisión

Resultado de imagen para muertes falsas de famosos 2017

 Paul Walker o mejor conocido como Brayan, famoso por interpretar uno de los papeles principales en las peliculas, rapidos y furioso 1, 2...

Fue condenado por el tribunal superior de los Estados Unidos, por haber fingido su muerte durante varios años, este se encuentra recluido en una de las prisiones más seguras de EE.UU.

Este afirmaba que fingió su muerte porque estaba recibiendo constantes mensajes de amenazas hacia sus familiares, si este no dejaba de ser el foco de antención para la prensa.

Descubre cual es el verdadero significado de tu nombre!

¿Quieres saber el verdadero significado de tu nombre ? 

¿Cuál es el verdadero significado de tu nombre?
El nombre que se le asignaba a las personas en la antigüedad solía escogerse para  transmitir ciertas características. Cada nombre tiene un significado especial, según va evolucionando el lenguaje.

significado de tu nombre

Se da el caso que muchas personas no conocen el verdadero significado de su nombre, el cual.

 El objetivo de este post, es hacer que nuestros lectores sepan el significado de su nombre, su origen, parentesco, la forma en que se escribe en otros idiomas, compatibilidad con parejas.

  • Origen. ¿Qué historia precede a tu nombre? ¿Cuál es su etimología? ¿Sabes en qué lengua se encuentran sus raíces? El origen es un dato imprescindible si tienes intención de averiguarlo todo acerca de los nombres.
  • ¿Cómo se escribe en otros idiomas? ¿Conoces su variante inglesa? ¿Cómo es su ortografía en italiano, francés... o ruso? Y si te gusta más la versión de un nombre en otra lengua, podrás ponérsela a tu hijo.
  • Compatibilidad de pareja. Hay nombres que son más afines que otros, con más facilidad para triunfar en el amor. Es importante para saber si una persona es más o menos compatible con otra para enamorarse, entablar una relación duradera o si realmente es fiel a su pareja. Por ejemplo, existen nombres que son más independientes, y otros que no soportan el engaño.

Para realizar el Test aquí te dejamos el enlace.

Ref: http://www.significado-de-nombres.com/

Beneficios del ajo para combatir las infecciones intestinales

Las ventajas del ajo para combatir las infecciones estomacales. Es el mejor antibiótico natural, ataca los patógenos y eleva las defensas de...